Support Green is the New Pink


Welcome to Green is the New Pink L.A.: Making the environment hot as we cool it down...

Our mission: To take out the legwork that gets in the way of us all doing things to help the environment. Even for those of us with the best intentions, our jobs, our hectic bar hopping schedules and keeping up with our favorite reality TV shows can really get in the way of all those things we said we wanted to do to help the environment. We all want to save the earth, but most of us don’t know how to start (or don’t know how, period). A lot of us are so overwhelmed that when we hear the scary facts we feel like there’s nothing we can do. A lot of us want to get low energy lightbulbs, but simply don’t have the time to figure out where to get them, how much they cost or how much they’re really helping our environment. That’s where we step in…

How we’re going to save the world: We do the research on easy and effective ways we can all help the environment in our everyday life and then send out WEEKLY EMAILS/BLOG POSTS to our subscribers with a simple task of what they can do that particular week to help reduce their personal carbon imprint on the planet (to help reverse the effects of global warming). We’ll also include stats about exactly how these tasks (such as eating vegetarian once a week or switching to Green Energy at your house or apartment) actually positively impact our environment to inspire us to really do them.


Anonymous said...

I get to be the first one to comment? How fun!!
I love this site. It is easy and "down-to-earth."
heh-heh! PUN intended.

Thanks to you all. Good idea.

Mary Kathryn
St.Louis, MO

Anonymous said...

Don't forget you can buy gifts to give from charitable foundations. For example, you can purchase a hive of bees that produces honey to sell for a family in Asia (Heifer Foundation), guy a month's worth of clean water for a family in Africa (Church World Service) or electricity for a month or housing for a week for a family right here in our own USA (Family HomeStead). These are great gifts to give in someone else's name and it makes you feel great, too.
Nancy Lindsey
Denver, Colorado